What keeps a friendship together?

Friendships, one one of the necessaries of life. An extremely special connection between two human souls. They are basically part of your family only not bounded by blood. Never take your friendship for granted. Always keep investing time in them even if you are busy with school or in a relation. Or else they will slowly fade away from your life.

What keeps a friendship together? Lot’s of love and spending time together. Keep involving your friends in your life. Keep fighting for the friendship through spending time with them. Once you stop fighting for the friendship it will slowly die. Once it’s gone, it will be a huge challenge to get it back.

This is about reminding how much care friendship needs. No matter what you have through together. No matter how strong your friendship looks like. Kelly a friend of mine once told me. You can see friendship as a beautiful flower. It needs care and lot’s of attention. Without.. The colorful colors will slowly turn dark. The leaves will fall on the ground. Keep your friendship beautiful and healthy.

“Friendship is a peaceful indescribable beautiful feeling, like a flower hugging a butterfly.”

~ Elaj

How to be a different person?

Simple, there is no such thing! You are who you are. Nobody can and should change that. Do not change yourself into something you are not.
The moment when you do, that’s one of the reasons people get slowly in a depression. Something nobody will wish.

Always listen carefully to the precious advice from the people you care.
The people you love.

You should always ignore the advice from strangers. They don’t know you, so the advice wouldn’t be valid.

In the end we should never change for someone else. Remain yourself there will be people who accept you for who you are.

“Always be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else.”

~ Judy Garland

Love makes you blind

Walking thru a beautiful flower garden is treaky. Once you entered you could walk there for ever. The amount of different colours and crystal clear water goes beyond your imagination.

All the troubles you had before vanished in a wink. Normally you pay attention where you walk now not anymore. The people are mostly blinded by the beauty. Blinded by love…

In the meantime, there you are watching your son, daughter or friend from a distance. Watching, just watching how that person is making a mistake, but you can’t do anything. How do you snap someone out of a trance? I wish a bucket of water is the solution. All you need is patience and the right people around them.

Just to make clear, love always make people blind. It’s normal and will never change. All you can do as a friend or parents. Is making sure the person is in safe hands.

“The moment we want to believe something, we suddenly see all the arguments for it, and become blind to the arguments against it.”

~George Bernard Shaw

Optimism is contagious

Quote from Rocky

“Let me tell you something you already know. The World ain’t all Sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place, and I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permantly if you let it.”

Optimism is one of the keys to get up. To get back on your feet. Always see the bright side of your situation. Being borned healthy is already a miracle. Perhaps you have a financial difficult time, but in North-Korea the people don’t own anything.

It sounds easy, just be optimistic and everything will be alright. That’s not true, the beauty about being optimistic is that it’s contagious. It gives you a little feeling it can always be worse. It will show everyone who is involved in your life that they should be happy, because it always could be worse.

Slowly, there will be a snowball effect. Slowly more and more people arround you and arround them will be optimistic.

“Negativity can blind people’s mind. If you turn your thoughts from the negative ones into positive, your eyes will be opened and you will see the bottle half full, instead of half empty. You will start to notice solutions and will understand that every problem is actually an opportunity to grow.”

Friendships are essential for survival

Friendships is one of the necessaries of life. Without friends, you will have an extremely tough journey thru life. You don’t need many, most of the time you can count your real friends on one hand. Of course, there are many more people involved in your life. With who you have fun with, who cares about you. At the end there are just a few with who you share everything. A few with who you don’t have to be afraid of getting judged.

One of my old friends shared this quote with me once. All I can say is, I hope it sounds familiar for most people.

‘Friends are born, not made.’ How could our friendship be made if we were friends since the very first sight? I will always say I met you again; never that I became your friend. For our friendship is larger than life.

Always remind the people who you love and care about why. How unique, extraordinary and special they are.

Don’t climb out a hole alone

Sometimes, somewhere in our life we fall in a hole. In other words we will hit a low point in our life.

There will be a lot of mental struggling. We will lose tears and feel alone. Feeling alone is an extremely terrible feeling. When we hit this point.. When we fall in this hole.. We will be surrounded by darkness.

We need to get out. We need to find a way out. We need a guide.

For everyone it’s a different person or people. In my case it’s a friend and my parents. They are my light and rope to find and climb my way out.

We can’t do this alone or else it will eat yourself from the inside. All I can wish and hope is that everyone have their guide in their life.

Smiling, something extremely powerful

Smiling… We do it when we laugh, are happy, excited, hearing a compliment or when we feel great. Everyone is different… Everyone smiles on a different situation.

I smile with everything what I just mentioned above plus I smile when I am talking. Looking at my friends and family. Honestly, I can’t help it. It all happends automatic. They are talented! Making me smile even when they are not arround!

It’s a great feeling. It feels like you can own the world! I can own the world. Wow. A smile is powerful… I just catched myself smiling, while writing..

“But” a dream killer word

There is only one word you should never say. Ever. “But.” If you got a dream go for it. Don’t make excuses, don’t say; but I tried, but I am not smart enough, but I can’t because of my past or but I am to old.

Don’t ever use but as excuse to not achieve your dream. Start investing time in your dream. So long your spending more time sleeping, you won’t achieve your dream.

The moment your telling yourself you will start tomorrow, next week or even later is a lie. Stop fooling yourself, stop delaying. It’s now or never.

We humans deserve living our dream. Sadly it seems impossible. It’s not. Start with 30 minutes, you can raise it as much you like. So long you don’t start, it won’t happen.

Stop hidding your true beauty. Start living.

“There is no reason to have a plan B, because you won’t give up on plan A.”

From my own experience I know it’s tough. I just want to make people realize that everything is possible! Being borned healthy is a gift and we should enjoy it so much as possible. 🙂

Pictures and stories on paper

Our memories keeps the past real. Pictures will remind us when we get older. Stories writen on paper will give us a detailed description of how our life looked like.

That’s one of the things I like about writing. Always when I look back what I wrote in the past gives me joy. It always ends like: “That’s right, I totally forgot!”

Time flies, the one moment your a little kid struggling in primairy school. The next moment your 30 years old happily married with a full-time job. One day the memories printed in our mind won’t be enough. Slowly they will get lost and that will be a huge lost.